If you’re owed money, there are simple steps you can take to reclaim it. Whatever you do, don’t give up and write off the debt; you’d be surprised how many people pay off their debts when the right buttons are pushed.
Debt collection really works
Hiring expert debt collectors to collect your debts can provide great results, and it should be your first port of call if you’re struggling to get your debtors to pay by yourself. Many people are reluctant to hire debt collectors, unsure both of the methods they employ and the results they can offer.
Debt collectors are experienced in debt collection and know how to apply pressure – through letters, phone calls, and face-to-face confrontations – to ensure debts get paid, and they know how to document and record communications with your debtors in case they’re ever needed in court. It’s also been proven that debts get paid faster when debt collectors are involved, and outsourcing debt collection to an agency means you can spend more time on your work, and less time chasing up customers or tenants who still owe you money.
Get your money back before it’s gone
The longer you wait to reclaim what you’re owed, the harder it can be to get your money back. Your debtor could spend all of the cash, which makes it hard to reclaim and certainly means you might have to wait much longer for it. It’s also a lot easier to reclaim a debt when debtors are easy to get hold of; if you leave it too long to bring in professionals, your debtors could move, leaving no forwarding address, and no means to get in touch. Even expert debt collectors will struggle to recoup debts if debtors can’t be traced – and the last thing you want to have to do is hire a private investigator too!
Why choose Final Warning
At Final Warning, we have many years of experience chasing up debtors for a range of clients. We know how to get debts paid quickly and completely, and we don’t work on cases that we don’t think we can resolve successfully. We don’t waste your time or your money – we just get the job done. Get in touch with us for a transparent, no hidden costs quote and if you decide to hire us, we’ll get started on your case within 24 hours. Don’t let your debtors off lightly – give us a ring today.