Debt collection can be fraught with risks. From encounters turning violent to debtors lying about what has been said, there are many ways a collection can go wrong. As a result, the number of debt collectors wearing a body cam when they go on a collection is consistently rising – and for a number of very good reasons. Very often, when the debtor sees a body cam they will not be as violent or tell lies in the same way. However, some people can’t help themselves and will lie, swear and hit out. Body cams record EVERYTHING and this means that the lies will come out in the end!

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When a debt is collected, there is always a risk of the situation turning confrontational and ultimately violent. A body cam helps safety hugely because people are naturally less prone to aggression when they know they’re being recorded. Any violent acts instigated by the debtor can be used as evidence for prosecution – and as jail time is much worse than an unpaid debt, it often makes people far more inclined to be reasonable.


When a collection is done purely face to face, there is always the risk that the debtor could lie. They could say that the collections agent threatened them, that they already paid their debt, or make up any number of other excuses. A body cam is recording from the moment the collections agent walks to the door, so you have a very clear record of exactly what was said and done – as well as what money was collected.


The risk of unwelcome behaviour doesn’t just apply to debtors – it applies to collections agents too. When they wear a body cam you’re able to have evidence of how they interact with people when collecting a debt. A debt collections agent is acting as an extension of your organisation, so you want to make sure that they’re always polite and professional. A body cam helps encourage agents to maintain their standards and keep their cool.


When you are chasing serial non-payers it’s important that you have as much clear evidence to hand signalling the efforts you have made to get the money you’re owed. With a body cam recording every interaction, you can present this as evidence of the steps you’ve taken – all of which will be time and date stamped.

These are just some of the net benefits that using a body cam for debt collections offers. There are absolutely no drawbacks as a body cam is now so light and unobtrusive to wear while providing clear video and audio.

B2B Debt Recovery

Business to Business debt can be crippling for any size of companies cashflow, it’s important to act decisively and quickly with any B2B debt.

Final Warning Enforcement Agents have particular experience and knowledge in recovering accounts in the construction, consultancy, distribution, recruitment and wholesale sectors.

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Personal Debt Recovery

Whether its a personal loan to family/friend, unpaid service fees or even a bounced cheque for goods, Final Warning have a proven track record of recovering your debt.

Our professional, ethical and direct Private Debt Collection approach delivers superb results and sees a market leading recovery rate, sometimes as high as 90%, for all undisputed private debts. Contact us now to start the process.

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Asset Recovery

Repossession of assets, primarily motor vehicles are carried out damage free by our highly experienced field operatives, who all share the same philosophy which is to treat our customer’s customer as we ourselves would wish to be treated in such circumstances. All operatives abide by strict codes of conduct and work to our exacting service level articles. Contact us now to start the process.

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  • Specialists In Face to Face Debt Collection Since 2006

  • There Are No Hidden Costs, What We Quote Is What You’ll Pay

  • We Will Wipe The Grin Of Your Debtors Face

  • We Action Each Case Within 24 Hours

  • Advanced Systems Providing Real-Time Information

  • 75 Years Combined Experience

  • We Ensure That You Will Have The Last Laugh

  • You Wasted Time Getting A CCJ? – We Will Collect It

  • High Court Enforcement

  • Court Order Recovery

  • Personal Debt Collection

  • Large Debt Recovery

  • Overseas Debt Recovery

  • Private Investigation